Aiden JayAiden Jay 

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About Aiden Jay
Aiden Jay has been on the comedy circuit for the best part of 20 years. Starting as most comedians do plying his trade in the pubs and clubs up and down the country with his strong singing voice and sharp wit entertaining people of all ages. In 1998 he embarked on a 16 week tour of the comedy clubs all over Britain, when in 2000 he picked up the prestigious comedian of the year award presented by Mr Charlie Williams. Since then Aiden has appeared on television and radio and has also cruised the world for various companies now he is delighted to have had been asked once again to join the best of the best which is Thompson’s gold entertainment. So sit back and enjoy a night of fun and entertainment with AIDEN JAY.


“A great refreshing act” – Drew Brown Lloyds Theatre Â 


Ding Says
“A very funny guy who is competent in all areas!”